Updates from TRLF : Student Education and Youth Programs


I bring greetings from  the Tana Delta. In the last few months I’ve experienced issues with the Whatsapp account linked to my mobile number from Kenya. As a result I have created a WhatsApp account using my Malaysia mobile line +60 12 467 3040. Moving forward updates from Tana River Life Foundation will be sent from this number. Kindly add this number into your mobile address book if you wish to continue receiving updates on the foundation via WhatsApp broadcasts. I am now in Singapore and will be here till early June. I forward to meeting with you during this time.

Do let me know if you are able to meet. I am also contactable at +65-98338401 or gabrielteo@yahoo.com.

I am attaching some highlights on our work with students and youth in the Tana Delta as well as our progress in building a Student and Youth Hostel including Guest Quarters. They are available for download here :

Finally please note that we will not appeal for any kind of financial assistance, emergency or otherwise, using Whatsapp chat. Kindly do not entertain any such requests you may receive from this chat. God bless.

Gabriel Teo

Whatsapp / Telegram : +60 12-467 3040

Email : gabrielteo@yahoo.com

TRLF PayNow QR Code* If you feel compelled to contribute to our relief effort, please use our QR code above. If you are unable to access it, please contact Gabriel Teo.

Tana River Life Foundation wishes you a Happy and Blessed New Year 2024

Dear Friends,

Thank you once again, be blessed as we start the new year and hope to meet you soon. I am  sharing with you a link to an article on my personal journey written by Jie Ying of NTU. https://www.ntu.edu.sg/alumni/alumni-stories-news/detail/trading-suits-for-smiles

Happy and Blessed New Year 2024.


Gabriel Teo Kian Chong

Whatsapp / Telegram : +254723521774

Email : gabrielteo@yahoo.com

TRLF PayNow QR Code
1TRLF PayNow QR Code
  1. Your generosity will directly contribute to our cause, and we appreciate your willingness to support us. If you encounter any challenges accessing the QR code, please do not hesitate to reach out to Gabriel Teo for prompt assistance. ↩︎

Emergency Flood Relief Program

I wish you and your loved ones much joy and abundant blessings this Christmas 2023. Our students and youth also prepared a Christmas greeting to thank you for your kind support.

I have also prepared a brief report on an emergency flood relief programme we carried out last week. 

As the flood waters recede, and with sufficient funds, we will continue assisting affected communities with quality seeds in January 2024, and in this way ensure food security for the greater part of 2024 for many households. Thank you once again and may God bless you. 


Gabriel Teo

Whatsapp / Telegram : +254723521774

Email : gabrielteo@yahoo.com

TRLF PayNow QR Code
TRLF PayNow QR Code* If you feel compelled to contribute to our relief effort, please use our QR code above. If you are unable to access it, please contact Gabriel Teo.

Update from Gabriel – Nov 2023

Dear friends

I hope this short note finds you and families well. My sincere apologies for not writing sooner. As is always the case, we came back to a very busy six months since we returned to Kenya in June. It is only now that schools have closed that we are able to attend to long overdue reports. We prepared 7 photo collages which may be viewed here in high resolution.

In addition we also prepared two short videos. The first video is a thanksgiving message from our fully sponsored secondary school students to our donors.

You may also turn on captions and set the video quality to HD for a better viewing experience.

The second video shows our students and youth in their fish pond where they rear tilapia and catfish for home consumption as well as to generate some income to supplement our meals. First harvest is expected in January 2024.

TRLF Youth rearing fish for food and income

We now have seven weeks remaining to our closure for the year on 21st December. Now that the academic year has ended, we intend to use this time to make much progress on the Hostel building, although the rains started yesterday and it may hamper progress. We also plan to use this time to carry out repairs at the community centre and school, like painting works and furniture repairs. As is our practice, all repairs and upkeep doing the school holidays are carried out by our students, youth and interns in return for them to receive some allowance to provide for their families at Christmas.

The youth will also use this lull to work on their farm projects, which includes vegetable farming, aquaculture and bee keeping projects.

This year our youth developed two income generating projects on a small scale, namely pressing moringa seeds for oil, and concrete brick making. We hope these projects can be developed in time to be sustainable local income generating projects.

Finally, here is the link to our 2022 Audited Financial Statements.

We end here with apologies once again for the delay is writing this, and wish each one of you much blessings as we head towards the end of the year. God bless.

Gabriel Teo and all TRLF beneficiaries,

Idsowe Village, Tana Delta, Kenya

Communal Living and Youth Formation Programs

Dear Friends

At the outset, I would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all of you who have taken the time to meet with me and my student Salati during my first trip to Singapore. Your continued support and help are very much appreciated. I am now back in Singapore for a second stay until 20th May 2023 and look forward to meeting up with more of you.

Allow me to provide you a brief update on two of our programmes – both of which are aimed at empowering our students and youth with more than just academic opportunities. The Communal Living and Youth Formation programmes also build character and nurture good values, while developing skills and competencies of the young people being assisted.

Communal Living for secondary school students and youth volunteers

The TRLF Community in Idsowe has grown over the years. We now have 55 fully sponsored secondary school students living together with 15 youth volunteers, for whom I act as guardian.

The TRLF Hostel to permanently house the Idsowe Community is under construction and is scheduled for completion by December 2023. The Hostel will also house the guest rooms for visitors.

Over the years, the older youth and students living at the TRLF community home in Idsowe have matured to become responsible mentors and role models. This has enabled us to increase the number of students we can accept into our community each year.

Youth Formation Programme

In January 2023, we welcomed 15 youth to this 2-year full-time live-in formation programme, which provides the path to full tertiary level sponsorship commencing January 2025.

Besides the different skills they learn from their varied tasks, e.g. house management, catering, financial literacy and project management, the youth also internalize values and good work ethics, such as diligence, focus, planning, target-setting and time management. They also learn how to engage respectfully and empathize with the communities we assist, crossing barriers of tribe and religion.

In carrying out their income generating projects, such as vegetable farming, livestock keeping, fish farming, bee-keeping and moringa oil production, the youth are encouraged to blend ancient wisdom with new knowledge.

The exposure they get from all these tasks helps them to learn how to give adequate and just responses to difficulties and challenges faced by communities around them, while sensitizing them to the importance of maximizing the impact of donor funds.

At the end of the day, the formation they receive helps the youth become more complete persons, maturing into capable and caring young men and women who are able and willing to look after, and to look out for those who come after them.

Aside from these programs, the foundation supports secondary school students through two other programmes, i.e. General Bursaries and Tana Delta Merit Scholarships. We will be sending out a separate report on the Secondary School Programmes.

Your kind support enables us to carry out all these works and we thank you. God bless.

Gabriel Teo Kian Chong

Singapore, 20th May 2023

Whatsapp / Telegram : +254723521774

Email : gabrielteo@yahoo.com

Greetings from Tana River Life Foundation

Dear friends,

Greetings once again. It has been some time since our last communication at the start of 2023. We have been very busy with both project work and admin tasks since the start of the new academic year on 23-Jan-2023 and were therefore unable to prepare this report earlier. Attached are some updates on the Enhanced Sponsorship Program for secondary school students. 

Looking back at the past twelve months, we are humbled and grateful for all that was enabled for us by God through your kind support. Thank you once again and be blessed.

I arrived in Johor Bahru on Monday 10-Apr, and will be here at home to attend to some family matters before I go into Singapore on 20-Apr. I look forward to meeting up with as many of you as possible, both in Singapore and in Malaysia, to personally thank you for your kind support and friendship. I will be moving between Singapore and Malaysia until June when I return to Kenya.

Please do send me a message on Whatsapp or Telegram to my Kenya line @ +254723521774 if you are able to meet during this period. You may also drop me an email at gabrielteo@yahoo.com. Finally, in order to receive our regular reports via Whatsapp broadcast, kindly save my Kenya number on your phone’s address book.

Thank you once again, and I look forward to meeting up again.

Gabriel Teo
Johor Bahru


To all our dear friends, we are all now back in Kenya, and very grateful for the stay in Asia and the opportunity to have met up with so many of you from both sides of the causeway. Thank you all very much once again. In transferring my data to my new phone, I changed my whatsapp contact number to my Kenya number +254723521774. In case you messaged me between 11th Sept to date, and did not receive a reply from me, could you please resend your messages here to my new whatsapp.

All three 40-footer containers underwritten by PIL Singapore arrived two weeks ago. All logistics re the shipment were kindly organized and underwritten by Logwin Air+Ocean Singapore. The containers were carrying school furniture from different sources, as well as study aids such as 50 laptops donated by NTU, and calculators.

Schools here are now closed for the second term break. We will start distributing the furniture items once the 3rd term begins in October.

I am sending with this message a four-page photo collage and a Chinese newspaper feature on my personal journey. An interview I recorded with BFM Malaysia was aired in early September. You can access the podcast here: https://www.bfm.my/podcast/bigger-picture/good-things/tana-river-life-foundation-leave-your-ego-behind-and-journey-with-people

Once again, thank you all for your very kind support and friendship. May God bless you.

Easter Message from Gabriel

Jambo! (Swahili for Hello!) to all our friends from all of us here in Tana River. I am very happy to inform you that I plan to visit Malaysia and Singapore again in June and July together with one or two of our youth. It’s been a long absence and I am so looking forward to seeing all of you once again. Dates are being finalized and I will send them out as soon as they are confirmed.

Dear friends, although we will NOT be organizing any collection of Mitumba (used clothes/shoes etc) this year; we will be making a special appeal for used school furniture for which our village schools here in Tana Delta are in dire need of.

Specifically, we are appealing for:

(1) Classroom desks and chairs,

(2) Metal cabinets,

(3) Canteen tables and benches and

(4) Teacher’s tables.

One of Tana River Life Foundation’s (TRLF) core tenets is in education, both academic as well as in values formation. This is our key method in realizing our stated objectives of building individual lives and thereby entire communities.

Today, TRLF is a major development partner of the Tana Delta Sub County Education Department in Kenya, helping to provide quality, affordable education for many reaching even the most rural villages. We assist all the 72 public primary schools and 17 public secondary schools in the Delta. The furniture that we receive and ship to Tana Delta goes to help furnish these public schools.

I am accompanying this short note with some photos portraying our recent activities. We hope to have our annual report ready for distribution by the middle of the year. Thank you once again for journeying with us, and to all our Christian friends, we wish you the hope and great joy of the Easter resurrection.

May God continue to bless and protect us all.

Gabriel Teo
16th April, 2022

Click here if you’d like to download the letter to forward to your friends.

Building Individual Lives, and thereby Entire Communities…

Tana River Life Foundation – 2020 Annual Reports

Warm greetings once again, and apologies for the delay in sending out our reports this year. It certainly has been a hectic time ever since schools reopened in January this year, thus the delay in finalizing these reports.
I returned to Malaysia this month, accompanying our sponsored student, Kelvin Komora, who has started degree studies in Media and Journalism on full scholarship at UTAR, Kampar-Perak. The trimester has gone online, and he is studying from our home in Johor Bahru for now.

I will be here till the end of July, and may be able to meet up with some of you in Malaysia before I leave. Unfortunately, the earliest we expect to be able to travel to Singapore again will be in 2022. Until such time, and in much appreciation of your generous support in 2020, we are sending out these reports so that you may know how much you enabled, notwithstanding the unprecedented challenges and uncertainties you may have faced last year.
You can read the
 TRLF – 2020 Annual Report here, and if you are reading this on a mobile phone or on any low bandwidth platform, you may access the compressed version here.
Access the 
TRLF – 2020 Activities & Achievements here, and the compressed version here.
For a quick overview of our work last year, you may instead visit the 
TRLF – 2020 Photo Gallery here, and the compressed version here.

On behalf of all whose lives have improved in the last one year because of your generosity, we thank you and may God bless you and your families.

We appreciate your continued support in 2021, as we remain faithful in building individual lives of greater dignity, freedom and integrity, and thereby, entire communities.

Gabriel Teo Kian Chong
24th June 2021

A Letter from Evans Haron

Evans is a beneficiary of Tana River Life Foundation. The foundation sponsored his secondary school education in the Tana Delta, followed by his undergraduate studies at UTAR in Malaysia. We are happy to report that he has graduated. To thank the foundation and his sponsors, Evans wrote the following letter. He hopes it’ll inspire other young people on their journey in life. We hope it’ll inspire you to lend a hand to others in need and hungry for the opportunities we take for granted.

It’s my hope that you are all doing well during this tough time. All is well with me. I am writing to inform you that I have completed my studies in Bachelor in Petrochemical engineering. Thank you for the sponsorship you offered me from the beginning of my secondary school days till the completion of my studies. Thanks to all the staff at TRLF for the time they invested in advising and coaching me throughout my studies, the time they spent in helping me budget for my living expenses both in Kenya and here in Malaysia, correcting me when I was on the wrong path and thanks to all the donors who have contributed to positive changes in my life directly or indirectly.

Just to give a brief background on how I joined TRLF. I completed my primary school education was placed among the top 3 in my class. Unfortunately my parents were not able to afford the school fees for my to continue on to secondary school. At the start of the term, my friend Komora Benedicto, who also graduated recently from UTAR, shared his notes from school with me so that I could study them on my own at home. He was being sponsored by TRLF then and he advised me to apply for a bursary at TRLF.

The first bursary that I received was worth KSH3000 which is equivalent to RM114 ( ~S$38 ). It did not cover my whole school fees for that semester but it instilled hope and determination in me. I pushed myself to the limit as I knew that with good results I could be awarded another bursary. And that is how my life with TRLF started and here I am today with my bachelor’s degree in Engineering.

RM114 may not be that much but it can change someone’s life as it did mine. There are many young people going through what I had experienced. Some won’t be strong enough, they may be discouraged at a young age and their efforts and life might completely go to waste. Thanks to sponsorships from TRLF through the kind donors and staff, young people receive an education and opportunities in life which were previously unavailable to them.

So thank you once again for the opportunity and I can’t wait to continue giving my services when I’m called upon.

Yours sincerely
Evans Haron