Update from Gabriel – Nov 2023

Dear friends

I hope this short note finds you and families well. My sincere apologies for not writing sooner. As is always the case, we came back to a very busy six months since we returned to Kenya in June. It is only now that schools have closed that we are able to attend to long overdue reports. We prepared 7 photo collages which may be viewed here in high resolution.

In addition we also prepared two short videos. The first video is a thanksgiving message from our fully sponsored secondary school students to our donors.

You may also turn on captions and set the video quality to HD for a better viewing experience.

The second video shows our students and youth in their fish pond where they rear tilapia and catfish for home consumption as well as to generate some income to supplement our meals. First harvest is expected in January 2024.

TRLF Youth rearing fish for food and income

We now have seven weeks remaining to our closure for the year on 21st December. Now that the academic year has ended, we intend to use this time to make much progress on the Hostel building, although the rains started yesterday and it may hamper progress. We also plan to use this time to carry out repairs at the community centre and school, like painting works and furniture repairs. As is our practice, all repairs and upkeep doing the school holidays are carried out by our students, youth and interns in return for them to receive some allowance to provide for their families at Christmas.

The youth will also use this lull to work on their farm projects, which includes vegetable farming, aquaculture and bee keeping projects.

This year our youth developed two income generating projects on a small scale, namely pressing moringa seeds for oil, and concrete brick making. We hope these projects can be developed in time to be sustainable local income generating projects.

Finally, here is the link to our 2022 Audited Financial Statements.

We end here with apologies once again for the delay is writing this, and wish each one of you much blessings as we head towards the end of the year. God bless.

Gabriel Teo and all TRLF beneficiaries,

Idsowe Village, Tana Delta, Kenya